The Palm Restaurant

The Palm Restaurant

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It's hard to put into words how much I enjoy the Staff, the food, and the service at The Orlando palm. Gabe has been our server for years and he treats us as family. It was my wife-to-be Birthday Sunday October 7th 2018, which Gabe does not work Sundays. Christian the Manager call Gabe and told him that I called and was wondering if he would work that Sunday. Of course Gade said yes. It was a wonderful evening. The Food was perfect, timing was perfect, and of course Gade was amazing. Gabe serenaded Kim "Happy Birthday" and gave her flowers. This place is Amazing. Thank you to everyone who works at The Palm of Orlando.

Date of experience: April 5, 2019
7 reviews
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The server staff was very attentive and patient. I appreciate the experience. Excellent service great atmosphere it's a really classy place.

Date of experience: August 9, 2018