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Tomorrow's Technology Today was too long a title to fit onto a magazine cover, so today we have T3, fortunately contracted in title but not in content. It's a very influential UK magazine, immediately recognizable for its covers, which suggest that only very tall girls in very small bikinis can really appreciate boys' toys. The boys with the toys here are on the editorial team, young, sharp, sporting designer beards and looking like they were found waiting to audition for an episode of Top Gear. Which is reasonable, given that top gear is what this mag is all about.

Unlike some magazines devoted to new gadgets and technology, which content themselves with images of devices nobody's actually got their hands on and copy largely provided by the manufacturers, T3 is well-researched and nicely balanced with a strong emphasis on personal opinion and experience, as well as the admittedly gorgeous photography that a magazine like this simply must have these days.

T3 has just released its annual gadget awards for its October edition, and although it's a UK mag, you won't find too much you've never heard of, here. No surprises in finding Apple walking off with several gleaming cups for their display cabinet, for the iPad, the iPhone, and the MacBook Pro. But I'll leave you to go find out which other gadgets and devices were voted top of their categories by the three-quarters of a million contributing readers.

T3 is also the first mag to release a version especially for the iPad, and although the brand is most associated with the glossy paper magazine, the web site has plenty of features too with lashings of news and reviews.

Definitely too good to be confined to the native UK audience, this is one of the best consumer tech magazines.

Date of experience: October 9, 2010
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February 5, 2018

Super sklep bardzo szybka wysyłka i dostawa. Bardzo dpbry towar jestem bardzo zadowolony poleczm wszystkim

Date of experience: February 4, 2018