Long story short, the site is a stale and oppressive Left Wing circle jerk. It is populated almost exclusively by a small, incestuous, clique of nerdy militant atheists and progressives, who not only freely endorse Bill Maher and George Carlin-esque levels of rabid intolerance for opposing viewpoints, but actually seem to consider it their finest feature. With a board culture that is low on social skills, high on hate, and tends to carry a raging hard-on for (again, PROUDLY) hyper-fascist group think and biased moderation, "abandon all hope ye who enter here" if you do not tow the unstated ideological party line espoused by the board's founding members 110%.
Oh! And I think they talk about Star Wars every now and then, or something...
Honestly, the board name seems to be little more than a relic at this point. They once, apparently, were devoted to the issue of "Star Wars vs Star Trek." However, the same oppressive culture and fascist moderation mentioned above basically rendered the issue moot, as no one who will actually argue the anti position remains on the board, or would dare speak up in its favor even if they did.