Hello I'm looking for information on food and the like. I am not looking to see the level of maturity of the writer revealed in their use of language. Please grow up or expand your language beyond vulgarity.
I found this website when I was looking up on Google how mollusks taste. I got a hit on spoonuniversity.com that was very interesting. Then I started to look up other info on this site. It is website with articles full of pictures, written by college/university students from all over the world. The main categories are: recipes, drinks, how to, lifestyle, cities, campuses, and community. I read an article by a university student in New Delhi about how to remove grease stains, and it was full of her pictures. Even the ads are cool on this website! I'm 67 years old, but I'm going back to explore more on here. Definitely, if you are a student, you should look up this site. I saw articles on dorm living, for example.