SPEECHIFY is like buying a Ferrari, only to look under the hood and discover a Volkswagen engine. Buyer Beware it Very Expensive and what it does reasonably well is text conversion, not much else.
As a speech to text reader and language converter, it is not superior to any other and has about the same accuracy as Google translate which we have been using for year. However, Speechify makes a bold claim that they can import and recreate videos from one language "to another effort!"
Hardly. This process they call "overdubbing" is extremely inaccurate and makes many sections of the MP4 you're trying to convert unusable without MAJOR editing. One 20-minute video required more time editing it to another language in Speechify after their AI translator converted it than it took to create the video initially. The longer your video the more horrific the inaccurate AI translation issue becomes.
The editing function for video's is totally underdeveloped. There are few if any drop-down menus common to video audio functioning editing programs. The editing crashed losing projects and gets hung up regularly. It is not user friendly and while Speechify "boasts" it customer service and support will respond within twenty fours hours its usually more like 3 to four days and answered by a bot.
The so called help center called Speechify Academy is pretty much useless with no depth and simply introduction videos of 3 seconds or more to its "claimed functions."
If you want to pay a couple hundred dollars for a speech to text reader that works, this is the one for you. Otherwise, there are plenty free on the internet.