Please be warned there is no such thing as customer support at Showspace. They delivered the incorrect item to me and 3 months later have not rectified the problem. Money down the drain. Terrible experience when dealing with them.
I wish I could give a 0 rating for these people. This has to my worst online shopping experience. After a week of placing my order, no communication until I got in touch with them and they can't give me a straight answer and now we are going for week 2 and there is nothing still! Pathetic
Fantastic website and designed well. Its an alternative site to NASA to get the latest news about space. Its a great read and very informative. However - I will warn that it won't be as accurate and dependable like NASAs website. Overall - 4 stars!
I love the content here, but recently (late 2017) the site has started consuming a ridiculous amount of CPU time. This has been going on for a while so I don't think this is a one-off issue. Visiting it with JavaScript disabled solves the issue, but the site is almost unusable so it really isn't an improvement. Too bad.
I visited this site today because we are expected to get hit today with falling debris. This is a wonderful time for them to let us know. Just hours away, without being able to pinpoint when or where. I found this site very helpful in giving a picture of what to expect. Since we are put in the situation of chicken little at the last minute. They sky is falling. Great just what we all need. Latest NASA Update (Sept. 22). Entry is possible sometime during the afternoon or early evening of Sept. 23, Eastern Daylight Time. I wish the news would let everyone know before we all get bombarded with debris. Unlike an earthquake they are aware of what is coming but tell us late. Little protection an umbrella will offer now. They say they don't think anyone will be harmed by the debris. How can they be sure if they don't know where or exactly when? The site give the latest about space junk falling to earth. This site is says this is a great opportunity to sky watch the debris. Predictions will become more refined in the next 24 hours." I think I will go into a basement somewhere after I find out. This site is was very helpful. I will be sure to bookmark this one. I found the information to be very enlightening. Maybe a little late but better late than never. I hope all review this site. Very cool
Good to see your try, i think you work would be useful and valuable. I am very happy to see people are still working. Keep it up..
I used this website for my science space prodject and i realy like that it lookes so proffecional and well designd. 5/5 stars