Yes, SoundHound finds the title and artist of a song. But if you search the song or title or writer, you have to pay for subscription to SoundHound. I can look on youtube to find what I want. Why does SoundHound demand a payment.; Maybe they are only 'hounding' their customers for more money. Either way, Youtube is going to get more of my money because SoundHound hasn't figured out how to just put ads into the middle of their feeds.
Oh, and online, you are not able to post a review. Check that $#*!.
SoundHound can't find anything that I play! I have traded on numerous songs that I knew already but I was just trying to see if they could find out. I have tried it on some said I did not know and still the same. I am very disappointed because I heard that this would have been very good app
Everyone talks about Shazam, but I find it pretty overrated (other than the name, which is a good one - it can pose as a noun or a verb...). SoundHound, on the other hand, is pretty underrated. I got both for my iPhone and find that SoundHound can identify all of the songs that Shazam couldn't. So say I'm in a clothing store and a catchy tune comes on. Shazam has no idea what it is, can't find a match. SoundHound? Bam, it's got it.
Agree that this site is SOOOOOO much better than Shazaam! Easier to navigate, quicker to identify songs, and it's so easy to pull the lyrics up. I don't understand why more people don't use this!
Still love this site.It has a huge database. I tried to trick it a few times, but it always picks up on the song I'm listening to.
I test SoundHound regular and it's big misser with very limited quantity of music
Some song I test where from twenty years ago