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The negatives stated above in earlier threads are true. However, there is a sense of community there, both mature and immature, and one can make real life friends with common interests. I met my wife on there in fact. And we have met around 30 members to take photos together. One can learn on the site IF one is willing to post to the Critiques board, or to enter the Daily Challenges, which are fun. There is also an Experience Tips section that is very useful, if underutilized. I have tried several other sites but keep returning to SOAphoto for the friendships and because I love to critique.

Date of experience: September 2, 2010
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Daily contest are kept up to date but if your looking for more input then "nice" or "cool" then this is not the place for you. Also I have been a member for 30 days and noticed the daily challenge winners are almost ALWAYS the same people. The MB is hysterical someone actually posted personal problems they had with their kid dating an older guy... WTF there is nothing of real value when it comes to photography information I have found better input and information through search engines and random websites. It's a waste of time.

Date of experience: April 15, 2012
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I agree with ALL of the critiques so far (Tony, Leonard, Angela and Gary). However, there really isn't a sense of community if you aren't accepted there (and not everyone is). This acceptance has nothing to do with your photography skills. I am not talking about people who purposefully try to cause trouble on the MB either. It is a popularity contest. I have learned a lot there but it IS very cliquey. I suggest trying it and judging for yourself.

Date of experience: September 2, 2010
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Report Review is own by Samsung They boast to have a monthly Contest with awards but are 5 months behind members are cliquish and when emailing SOA Admin they refuse to answer and if you post a complaint of the Admin they suspend you for 30 days. The also boast of a Advance Amateur Gallery but you must apply for it weight 90 days and most times if your not in the members clique your denied with no reason if asked for a reason a form letter is sent with little details. My fillings don't waste your time use instead

Date of experience: June 3, 2010
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SOAphoto review
April 3, 2009

SOAphoto review - This is another photo contest website much like any otherwith alot of very useful information on photography. The only thing I really don't like about it is, it is more of a site popularity contest than an accual judging of your photo.

Date of experience: April 3, 2009
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Follow alison m.
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This website is really frustrating. I have enough points to rank up two levels and yet I know at the end of the month I will only jump one level. Plus, it makes me super upset that people don't take the time to look through the entire month of photos. It is like they vote on the most recent ones only. It is really sad. There are so many great photographers who get no credit. I honestly feel "professionals" should not be allowed to submit because they take the glory from amateurs like myself and many of the others on there. I mean, we are trying to win a camera (as far as I know) and these professionals (most of them) already have all the great equipment and cameras that I don't have. I really don't think anyone even wins anything. And since I don't have a high enough level, I can't post a message or comment. People are very mean on this site and it doesn't seem like admin cares enough. I am not saying I am the most amazing photographer there is, but I take some darn good photos and it really stings me that this site is the way it is. I vote on lots of photos and leave really nice comments, not even caring if the person wins over me. I was actually so very excited when I ranked up to being able to vote! I just wish there were others who feel the same way. I have had the same amount of points for two weeks and actually today was the first I have been on in over a week. It is not worth my time.

Date of experience: December 31, 2012
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Follow Tony S.
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The contest is never up to date... the message board is like a forum of high school kids fighting over who is most popular. From just reading the comments on the MB it seems like a group of individuals with very low self esteem fighting to prove themselves though a photograph... there a few long time members on there who constantly push their philosophy and self righteous views on other members and belittle them... the ranking system they have is a joke and some of these people honestly believe that having a green little ribbon by their name makes them a top notch photographer... there are some good photographers on the site with useful information but they are soon over shadowed by the immature atmosphere of the MB... the admins rarely respond to emails and seem to be satisfied with letting the site and the self appointed arrogant members run the day to day operation of things... there are better sites for learning photography and most who may join that are serious about the craft will soon outgrow this site and move on... or it seems some homestead their and become a part of the cliquish crowd.,, on an site designed for ametuers.

Date of experience: June 17, 2010
New Mexico
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December 8, 2012

Terrible. Not worth messing around with. A lot of my photos have been ignored. Absolutely stay away from this site.

Date of experience: December 8, 2012