LOVE THIS! Very valuable tips and I think that they are extremely practical as well. I especially enjoyed the sushi tip and it worked on my children :) I have seen several mommy blogs out there and I think this has to be one of the very best I have ever seen. Should be a part of every mom's bookmarks.
I need a present for a pregnant friend and remembered this website and got an amazing gift for her that she uses all of the time... I know it sounds nuts but it is a lullaby belt
Great site, and very useful info for moms and moms to be :)) )))
Great idea Teri but I will tell you what I have been telling everyone if you want your site to get more traffic you need to use social networks. I see you are using Stumble, Digg, & delicious. I say add ALL of them by adding one button the "share this or add this" button. Not everyone wants to join new social networking sites therefore give them the option to post it on FF or FB. Don't corner yourself.
My second comment is I noticed you own the name of your site but you are using Blogger's template I am curious why? You can do so much more with Worpress. Just a suggestion since the Blogger navigation is still visible at the top of your page. Last where is the information about you? I could not find it. I for one should be able to find it since I am well versed on the Internet... So you can imagine if I cannot find it then your regular readers cannot either.
People want to know what makes you an expert, who you are and what the site is about? I looked everywhere but could not see anything. So maybe an About me or more about smarty pants mama would help.
They have pretty good tips that worked with my noizy fam. I read few blogs for moms and this on is my favorite so far.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Smart Food section of the blog. I am always looking for new recipes and food tips. Product review feature is nice too.