How would you rate Sigma-dp3?
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Some of my photos here I posted on sitejabber photography are done with the DP1. I like the camera, but still prefer shooting with a DSLR. I would say this camera is good for DSLR users who want a compact when they don't want their "real" camera. This camera is too complicated for the average point and shoot user.

Date of experience: June 15, 2009
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If you are looking for a compact camera for indoor photos, especially indoor portraits of babies/kids, the Sigma DP2 is perfect as it has a 35mm f2.8 fixed focal length lens which is a fast enough prime for artistic shots of family members. For more landscape type photos the DP1 is a better choice as it is a wider focal length and f4. Both blow away pretty much any other compact camera on the market right now. The sensor in this compact camera rivals that of pro level DSLRs, so the noise level is very low. Can't recommend this line of cameras enough.

Date of experience: June 15, 2009
62 reviews
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If you have a DP1 and you want a DP2, I was able to return my DP1 with "problems" to Sigma under warranty and they swapped me out for a DP2. Just and FYI for those of you who want the f2.8 and think the DP1 is too wide for most uses.

Date of experience: June 15, 2009