Shiller Learning

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We have used ShillerMath for 5 years now. My oldest began with Kit I and is now nearing the end of Kit II. I now have 4 other kids using ShillerMath, and a 2 year old eagerly awaiting the day that he is able to start doing math. It has been such a great value for us, has made teaching math so easy for me, and has given my kids such a great understanding of math concepts.

Date of experience: April 16, 2018
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We have been using ShillerMath Montessori math with our kids for 12 years. They have made numerous improvements over that time; we have upgraded along the way. They have also sent complimentary upgrades of some of the manipulative - very impressed. Their multi-sensory, set your child up for success is so effective and fun. Kids really love the hands-oonmath. And that isn't just true for the math inclined. Kids who cry over math will have a night and day experience. Kids who are gifted will be propelled even further. I can't tell you how many other families I have talked to about ShillerMath after they switched have had the same experience. They say they didn't believe the customer testimonials on the ShillerMath site, but have all had similar experiences. It's funny... in a great way! Btw, friends tell me ShillerMath is now including thank you chocolate in the math kits.

The math kits are Montessori based. They good for visual, tactile, auditory, and kinesthetic learners (yes, that means everyone). Kids don't have to write for every lesson; they love that! That means it is not all consumable. But for the lessons that are, you get free downloads of all the books, and can print for additional children. That's right, it's a one and done purchase! It works for all your kids without have to purchase consumables packs or replacement books. I wish more curriculum companies would follow that model. The kits also include all the manipulatives you need (huge) and a lot of great math songs. This is not one of those things that will sit on your shelf unused!

Date of experience: April 28, 2016