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A Blessing
December 21, 2022

My husband and I found Shihtzusforever online in 2007. My husband was getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan, and we were looking for a companion for me while he was away. Little did we know what an incredible blessing this would be for us. I quickly fell in love with our sweet, sweet Sophie. Upon my husband's return, she became his life and, quite literally, helped him through some very dark days. Sophie was with us for just over 15 years. She passed away on Thursday. While our hearts are shattered, we are so grateful for the beautiful blessing that she was to us. I wanted to come here and say thank you for our sweet and precious Sophie. I don't know what we would have ever done without her.

Date of experience: December 20, 2022
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We purchased Charlie from Sherry a little over 4 years ago. He is our sweet, precious baby. And believe me when I say baby! He has brought our family so much joy. Sherry is an awesome breeder and I would highly recommend her if you are looking for a sweet, loving lap baby.

Date of experience: September 10, 2020
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Truly Amazing!
January 2, 2022

My wife and I had recently lost both of our beloved Shih Tzus and were heart broken. After much research I found Sherry's website and reviews. Our first conversation was like connecting with an old friend and expert breeder with a vast knowledge of what it takes to bring a healthy, happy pup from birth to a new family and beyond. Sherry is steadfast and confident in her process, as well as compassionate and caring. We would recommend Sherry to anyone that is serious about adopting a healthy Shih Tzu and are eternally for our new pup Silvia!

Date of experience: January 2, 2022
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Such Joy!
January 6, 2019

We lost our yorkie over the summer and really thought that we would not have anymore dogs. Well, I happened upon Sherry's website and fell in love with my little boy.

Sherry and I spoke on few occasions and our little boy was being flown to us by a nanny.

What an experience! Our dog, along with the one my mom purchased, arrived at the local airport and it was love at first site! The nanny experience was awesome and worked out perfectly. The nanny was so polite, kind and wanted the dogs to have a good transition. The dogs were perfectly groomed and in the dog carrier ready to greet us

Sherry set all of her expectations up front and we knew exactly what we were getting.

Our little boy is perfect and has brought such joy to our lives.

Date of experience: January 4, 2019
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you Brenda for the Beautiful review. I'm happy to know what the two babies mean to you and your Mom. It's nice to keep up with you on Instagram and Facebook. The two boys were the perfect matches for both. I do work hard at matching the right pup with the right family. Again, Thank you so much and God Bless.

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I have grown up with Shih Tzus so when I was finally ready to have a dog of my own there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted a Shih Tzu. After searching online for days to find the perfect baby, I came across ShihTzusForever. I absolutely fell in love with a little girl with unique red coloring. She is, hands down, the best thing to happen in my life! She is the sweetest, most lovable and social baby ever. Everyone who meets her completely falls in love with her!
My family has bought from several different breeders over the years but none of them compare to Sherry. I was concerned with the high price at first but after speaking with Sherry and meeting her in person I quickly realized that she was worth every penny. Her Shih Tzus are of the highest quality. Sherry is very professional and you can tell how much she loves and cares for these precious babies. My family and I will definitely be buying from her again!

Date of experience: May 22, 2019
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you Nicole for the Beautiful review. I remember meeting you and your Mom like it was yesterday. I think you had tears in your eyes as you held her for the very first time. She was the most perfect match for you. Just know that I am here for the life of the baby if you ever need me. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Life is always so busy for a breeder. God Bless you and that baby.

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February 10, 2019

If you are looking for an amazing Shih Tzu puppy look no further. After research many websites and talk to many breaders I found Sherry. Sherry is a wonderful person to work with and have the most precious puppies. I am SO happy I choose to get my little boy from shihtzusforever. He brightens my day and put a smile on my face. He is the most sweet, loveable puppy. He is my pride and joy. We would definitely purchase another puppy from Shihtzusforever.
Thank you Sherry for being an honest and ethical breeder.

Date of experience: February 8, 2019
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you Eliza for the Beautiful review. I remember meeting you at the sonic that day. You got a very smart little boy and had him ringing a bell for treats in TWO weeks! That video of him ringing the bell for you is what keeps me going. NOW you have a little girl from me also. All updates make my day and puts a smile on my face. It's so nice that we are on Imstagram and FaceBook together. God Bless you and them babies.

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Couldn't Be Happier
November 15, 2018

Last winter, I got two darling babies from Sherry of ShihTzusForever. She met me at the Birmingham Airport, bringing the puppies snuggled in her arms! It was obvious how much she loved her puppies, and how much she cared about their going to a good home. She gave me all of the instructions and items that I would initially need, and seemed like she really didn't want to say goodbye to them.

The puppies themselves couldn't be cuter or more affectionate. They have the funniest and individual personalities, and love to tumble around with each other. They are very happy brothers. They are a year old now, and have only grown more darling and sweeter with time.

I have had Shih Tzus continuously since 1981(!), and do feel that I know the breed very well. Sherry is quite a fine, honest, conscientious and caring breeder. I recommend her highly.

Date of experience: November 13, 2018
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you Deborah for the sweet review. I remember meeting you like it was yesterday. I'm bad about holding onto the pups and not wanting to hand them over to their new Mommas! I don't even realize that I'm doing that. Then I will hand them over and take them back the longer we stand talking. I'm so happy to know that they are so loved and they bring you so much joy to you. Call me sometimes to chat. God Bless you and them babies. Please keep in touch.

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We live 1000 miles away, and found our perfect dog without leaving our home. This was almost a year ago, and we love our little guy. The experience was great. He was flown to us and the process went exactly as planned and our ShihTzu was healthy and ready for us. What a great dog breeder.

Date of experience: December 8, 2020
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you for the Beautiful review! I love keeping up with your family on Instagram. It makes my day to see your pictures and the cutest videos ever. I love Tiny and as you know he was sleeping in the bed with us and would snuggle by my face to sleep. He was so smart and would go up and down the ramp to my bed with the gang. I love that little guy so much. Tiny was a perfect match for your family! I'm here for the life of the babies if you ever need me. God Bless you and the family!

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Absolutely the Greatest!
December 16, 2019

Take heed to her warning that her puppies are addicting! I am living proof, as within a month, I purchased not one, but two of the most well mannered puppies who are pad trained, socialized, playful and lovable. (I could go on and on about these sweet babies, but I have limited words. Lol). They are now my best friends and bring incredible joy to me and my children. Sherry is not just a breeder... she is the G. O. A. T.! Her love for the puppies she raises shines through and you can see it the first time you meet your bundle of joy! Thank you, Sherry, for your guidance and preparation, ensuring a smooth transition for both Goku and Chi Chi into our home.

Date of experience: December 14, 2019
Sherry J. ShihtzusForever Rep
over a year old

Thank you Lisa for the Beautiful review. Now you have 3 babies from me! They are so addictive for me too. Thank God that they are too small for me to keep. It's so nice to keep up with you on social media. I love to stay connected to all of my puppy parents. You are they Best! God Bless you and them precious babies.

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I was looking for an imperial shih tzu and I talked to a couple of breeders since June this year. Then I talked with Sherry and I wanted to get a puppy from her. She cares for her puppies and make sure that they will go to perfect home for them. Yes, you do have to wait until they are little older, but her puppies are top quality and they come pad trained with all the shots already done. My baby is so easy. Sherry spends so much time and money taking carking of them and all her babies are so sweet and beautiful. She gave me many advise and helped me through the whole process. I really appreciate her, and I believe she is the one of the best breeders I have known. I got my puppy from her before Christmas and she is the sweetest and most beautiful little teacup shih-tzu girl. Our family is so in love with her and she completes our life. Thank you so much for all you do, Sherry!

Date of experience: December 28, 2020


ShihtzusForever has a rating of 5 stars from 50 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. ShihtzusForever ranks 4th among Dog Breeding sites.
