Shade Mountain Kennel
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Thank you so much for giving us such an amazing addition to our family. Destiny has brought us so much happiness and we absolutely adore her. Today, was her first vet appt. With us, she did wonderfully and the vet said that she was in perfect health. She is a brilliant puppy and has found a way to squeeze through the gate across the kitchen numerous times lol. She loves to cuddle, especially with Frankie on his little recliner, and will lay there for 2-3 hours at a time if we let her. She is getting closer and closer to being housebroken, yesterday she rang the bells on the door twice to go out! She has just recently mastered walking on a leash, it was difficult for her at first, but now she is doing great.
I am very impressed with how easy it is to care for her, she sits for bath time, brushings, and lays to get the hair around her eyes trimmed. She has recently learned to sit on command. Like I said, you have given us an amazing little puppy

Date of experience: January 9, 2012