Update: October 2024: Servpro are suing me for $***** over the $5k I gave them for destroying my home an performing dangerous unprofessional work that had to be ripped out and redone.
UPDATE 8/29/2024: After noticing this review, Servpro Uptown Buena Park sent a demand letter via their lawyer: they demanded *$5k*! For the "company's pain and suffering" upon reading the bad review (simply a statement of their business practices) and a retroactive charge of *$5k*! For submitting the original documents to State Farm months ago (a requirement for State Farm's approval for the job.) Then they complained that I locked them out depriving them of their property. I worked for weeks unpacking the 39 boxes (used to pad the bill (*$789*!-instead of just hanging plastic sheeting over the archways, they left items in the bathroom and just outside the bathroom to be covered in filth then packed up belongings spread out over 4 rooms in 39 boxes: 1 sm. Cat toy in a giant box) They sent another bill for *$154.35*! Billing 2 hours of technician time to pick up the property they wanted back. I saw them pull up a truck to the back door; 1 person stared at their phone while the other person spent less than 10 minutes transferring the flattened boxes into the van. AND they sent another bill after the fact *$1749.66*! (+and earlier $212) for emergency check of plumbing. Every time a plumber entered my home they left a leaking pipe/faucet. When I called they implied that I was lying. I put a bucket under it and tightened the faucet as best I could. They are essentially charging $1749+212 for coming to my condo to look at MY FIX of their mistake. And I still have no idea if the $5k I already gave them is subtracted from their outrageous bills and fraudulent bills.
From 5/28-7/11: Servpro ruined my home and life. They are demanding 33k; but, since I had to spend all my money on a 2nd contractor to tear out and redo everything, I don't have the money; now they are coming after my home.
Everything that Servpro did had to be ripped out and redone including repurchasing incorrect materials or mismanaged materials. I had to call a real contractor to tear out and redo everything Servpro did. Some damage is permanent since I couldn't afford a tear out and floor rebuild. I never received an estimate for the amount they want, never approved any amount and never approved the wonton destruction of my home. I had to spend all my money on the second contractor, leaving me at the mercy of the lawyer they called within minutes of my locking them out of my home. I couldn't fight back because I was incapacitated by the worst migraine for weeks. I saw 4 or 5 doctors and took around 12 medications (not counting daily migraine medications) I cried with pain and just wanted my toilet back.
33k Servpro billed without providing an estimate (over 4 weeks of destruction)
8559 paid to the second contractor to fix Servpro disasters (tore out Servpro mess and redid everything in 8 days)
1956 I paid out of pocket for supplies and replacement
44k total cost
-9913 paid by State Farm
34k My cost after reimbursement (rounded all numbers)
Does not include the floor I couldn't afford to rebuild, painters to repair damages in 4 rooms, the medical supplies I had to repurchase because they hid everything in boxes, the money and 7 days lost work spent on the migraines caused by their filth and my lack of access to my home (which helps to avoid triggers.) The hotel allowed smoking at the only entrance, triggering an untreatable migraine. At 60, I'm even less able to fight for myself.
Servpro did not communicate, for example: I came home late one night to NO bathroom/no toilet/no sink/no shower/no floor/no walls. I asked the day before: they said they would fix leak. If I had known I could have reserved a hotel instead of using a bucket. I begged for information daily but got no estimates, no invoices, no approval requests. They used gaslighting: they pretended to be angry at the unskilled workers they hired and implied that actual facts weren't real.
Servpro threw out expensive things I need to re-use: 100 dollar sink faucet, parts to a light fixture rendering it useless, etc.
Servpro damaged: they did not protect anything at all- gouged out and scraped walls in 5 rooms (to work on the bathroom); jackhammered 100 year old Chicago mosaic that I wanted to keep, destroyed the floor and wall and never rebuilt a solid floor, damaged locks: (locks worked perfectly before they invaded my home and didn't worked or felt loose and broken inside after they roughly handled them); drove long screws into a closet leaving sharp ends that could not be removed; dumped lumber on uncovered hard wood floor; broke my window hinge and window lock, etc.
Servpro did unprofessional, unsafe, unsightly, and shoddy work that would either violate building codes and/or cause further damage in the immediate future: did not build a solid level floor (permanent damage.); used the wrong drywall thickness; mismeasured and incorrectly cut everything, leaving giant gaps in the ceiling and every piece of sheetrock.; cut the tile short of a gap making it necessary to fix all the mismatched tile and adding tiny pieces to the edge; left giant gaps around plumbing; incorrectly installed the shower plumbing; tore out the base of the toilet and left no means of attaching the toilet; left plumbing leaking every time any plumber did any work (I had to have buckets ready and convince them that I was telling the truth);
Servpro padded the bill with several days using two of the slowest people on this planet to pack up all my belongings in over 3 rooms of my home. They used 39 boxes and piles of paper. Instead of hanging up plastic sheeting to keep construction filth off, they actually dragged items from 3 rooms away closer to the bathroom in order to pack it in as many boxes as possible. I found a tiny cat toy wrapped in paper in a giant box. They boxed up packages I received in the mail that I needed for the project, cleaning supplies, and medical supplies I needed for my disability.
An entire kitchen was water damaged and SERVPRO REMOVED ONLY A SMALL PIECE OF BUILDING MATERIAL. SEE THE ATTACHED PICTURE -water still in ceiling and light fixture...
ANOTHER CONTRACTOR had to be hired ---
At www.allstatestinks.com or allstatestinks.com
Answer: Servpro is a scam for consumers. If you own an insurance company you would want them servicing your clients.