2 reviews for Servpro Industries, LLC. are not recommended
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2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Bait and Switch
September 26, 2023

Bait and switch. They are kind, understanding, and say all of the right things when they are assessing your damage. Then as soon as you give them your down payment, you won't be able to get a hold of them, they send workers who don't speak English, they use subpar, low end, budget materials, rush the job, and if you are a woman or elderly they will mansplain and manipulate.

Lance Pollard was the estimated who walked through with me. Who did not tell the project manager that the windows needed to be sealed and waterproofed. I had to tell the workers, in my limited Spanish, what to do. When I asked for an estimate for some work outside of what the insurance would cover, he did not give me an estimate, he added it to the scope. When I asked him to remove a couple of things from the scope, he changed it completely. He did not listen, he placed the blame on ME and then would no longer take or return my calls.

When I discussed the issues with the project Manager, Brooks Huntsman, he spoke to me as if I were of no importance, he condescended me, he blamed me and said that we changed our minds 10 times. Which was a complete lie. We changed a couple of items, which happens in construction.

Lance Pollard intimidated my 79 year old mother, and flat out LIED to her. He scared her into cheaper products, after I told him, MANY times that I was the one to discuss the project with at all times. As soon as they figured out that they could intimidate and manipulate my mother they ignored my calls, my texts, my emails, and would only all to get.

My mom's basement flooded and it was covered by insurance. This company sent an estimate to my mom's insurance company for over $25K.

As soon as my mom gave them a $12k check for half of the payment the communication ended, the workers were not told to everything that needed to be done. They manipulated my mom into lower quality materials, and the work that was done was rushed and low quality.

I personally finished my mom's basement when my dad was diagnosed with Cancer. I know the quality of materials that were damaged by the flood and I know the quality of work that was done. I put in top end, high quality materials. And with the help of my dad, uncle, brother, and cousins, my parents had a beautiful finished basement.

Now my mom has a hodgepodge of low quality rushed work. And an UGLY AF basement. The plank flooring is not tight, it has gaps, and they made no attempts to even the concrete floor before installation, so it's only a matter of time before some of the planks will fail under use.

The tile job in the shower is shoddy, looks horrible, and the main window in the shower was NOT insulated, nor waterproofed, so any water from the outside will just find its way back in again and create an entirely new problem.

There are places that are not sealed, missing paint, and the formerly beautifully tiled floor is now a cheap ugly linoleum.

$25K+ for a job that will need to be redone by professionals.

Do not use Servpro West Jordan for your reconstruction. Aka: Sun Star Construction. You will 100% regret it!

Date of experience: September 26, 2023
3 reviews
0 helpful votes

Servpro - Paid job in full up front - received bogus 2nd bill months later
August 3, 2023

Servpro West Pasco (from bill). I used this company December 2022 paid them $500 over the phone and was told due to the size of job that would cover it. I may get a refund as well because it was about a two hour job & may not even be that much. After tipping the technician that cleaned the house and her verbalizing that nothing else is due, now months later I get a 'surprise' invoice along with email threats to pay an additional $1200+ dollars. Not only that, they're adding interest. I know NOTHING about this additional charge, I was told it was paid in full (and even tipped the technician), then this company started sending harassing emails MONTHS LATER from the company about owing more money that I know NOTHING about AFTER the technician on site said I was paid in full. I asked the company for my signature on the document that acknowledges that I understood that there was another 1200+ dollars due and they never provided it.

After threatening emails from the company to legally come after me, they then now have a third-party collection company threatening to further do damage to my personal credit. The problem is, is that this company thinks that coming to my house and doing a job leaving with the understanding that it is 'paid in full' (and even tipping the technician) - this company believes a work order is an open checkbook from wherever they show up to after collecting money upfront for the job & confirming post job that it's paid in full.

They try to intimidate through emails and through collection agencies MONTHS LATER, with the whole bases being a complete scam. They will NOT provide any documentation of your signature on any work orders. And they add interest to an 'invisible' secondary invoice made up months later, after a job is completed & they've acknowledged it paid in full. Servpro is now harassing me. They are threatening to use my personal information somehow on my credit bureau, which is ludicrous, which is a security/privacy violation on top of. They are scam artists and I would NEVER recommend this company.

No one's job is an open checkbook that you come and try to collect months later after telling the client that they have 'paid in full' and then going back and threatening the client to take 'legal actions' when you know you're being a scam artist. I definitely DO NOT recommend this company to anyone. Learn from the advantage they're attempting to take from me. I'm not going to allow this.

Tip for consumers:

Scammers - attempting to scam me - do not recommend.

Date of experience: August 3, 2023
2 reviews for Servpro Industries, LLC. are not recommended