I expected better results without paying attention to the reviews, but my hopes were not lost. Signed up to receive a newsletter with new things in science, prospects and innovations. As a result
I get general information. They work poorly.
Been a subscriber for more than 40 years but SciAm has gone off the rails these past years. Clearly all the previous science based editors have either been fired, quit or retired. This iconic publication is now being run by a bunch of left wing socialist who care nothing about science and who's only interest is to suck off the tit of a previously highly regarded scientific interest publication only to further their socialist views.
I subscribed for Scientific American for a year but haven't received a single hard copy. On top of that I have been charged again on my credit card for another year again without opting for the renewal. I have not received any replies when mailed the customer support for the status.
I can't believe it but the editors of SA are commuinsts who favor stupidity and want our country to be run by inexperienced children who cannot recognize a scientific research paper from a communist propaganda paper.
Never will I subscribe to SA again.
I don't actually even subscribe to Scientific American but I will when I return to the states. For now, I receive weekly email updates in my inbox and I love it. Scientific American packs up science for me into nice, bite-size, pop culture-y chunks. I need information and I need it fast - that's when SA comes in handy.
Paid for digital AND hard copies which I never received, cannot get refund or delete my payment info from the site so I am concern about being charge for following years/subscriptions as I read some reviews that mention having that issue as well.
I purchased a book in late May and the charge was immediately made to my credit card. In June when I hadn't received it I emailed them to ask where it was and no response. It's now July and I have sent another email to them to chase down my book or request a refund. We'll see how it goes but I'm not confident that I'll get a reply again. I would not recommend adding your credit card details on this site to purchase items unless you want to be charged and not receive anything. A good giveaway that I should have noticed was that they weren't charging any postage for sending to an Australian address. THIS IS A SCAM SITE AND I DEFINITELY WOULD AVOID IT.
Doesn't get any worse than this. Don't you ever think to get benefit out of it!
Too far to be gratifying and sweet...
Don't believe anything this fake information site gives. Lies continually and at it's most exaggerated expression.
Answer: I subscribed for Scientific American for a year but haven't received a single hard copy. On top of that I have been charged again on my credit card for another year again without opting for the renewal. I have not received any replies when mailed the customer support for the status.