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Fake news and Propaganda
September 29, 2020

Stay away from Grist. It's got no truth in it whatsoever. Scam site full of fake global warming alarmism meant to scare you into killing yourself to save the planet. Do not read this junk nor kill your precious life. The CO2 warming effect has always been a scam since Arrhenius started it. Greta Thunberg is actually his descendant and successor to this scam. Do not believe the climate alarmism. It's fake news AND propaganda.

Date of experience: September 28, 2020
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The general premise and promise of is to publish articles that have to do with environmentalism and global warming. If you are someone who does not believe in global warming or science in general, this website may not be for you. For the rest of us living in the real world, this site offers an array of information concerning the environment and what one can do to help. It is, at times, doomsy and gloomsy, and scary... but the reality is, that's the state of the world right now. It is quite scary. However, the best thing about, is that is approaches these issues with a sense of humor and optimism. It faces the facts, yes, but it also remains blindingly optimistic.

You can find subcategories pertaining from politics to food and everything in between.

“Food” is one of many tabs you can click to get to related content.
The about page for
Date of experience: February 16, 2021
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You would be forgiven thinking that Grist was a eco-friendly news site promoting sustainable living, however, diving into its articles you'll quickly discover it has a right ward focus on most issues. Recent examples include how Polar Bears are no longer in the forefront of the climate change messaging because they have seen increases in their numbers and as a result demonstrate very little effect from climate change. There is considerable focus on 'failed' attempts to reduce consumption with a sub-text that there really isn't point to reducing waste since humans are designed to care about these overly complex topics. Articles also focus on the impact of renewable energy solutions like windfarms and their negative impact on local aboriginal communities, again suggesting that renewable energy efforts are misdirected. It appears a great deal of their focus is to provide fodder to far right outlets who can distribute their misinformation under the guise that its from a legitimate climate site.

Date of experience: August 2, 2023