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North Carolina
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They are a very professional std testing lab. They got me tested the same day i called them and also got me the results very quick. I will use them again. I believe they are a great value for the quality of testing and the accuracy of the results. The most important part of my experience was that the counselor on the phone actually listed to what i had to say and did not try to jam a sales pitch down my throat. It was very refreshing dealing with them.

Date of experience: January 9, 2010
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I have honestly been ashamed of a condition I have had for a little while. I noticed starting a month ago that some bumps had started to form in my genital region. Being scared and not knowing what to do, I just kept it to myself for a week or so.

I spent my free time off work reading on a few sites about possible std conditions and still was not sure what to do about what I saw on web sites compared to what I saw on me. Then I had a conversation with my cousin from New York City. That got me thinking.

My Cousin, Deshaun, mentioned that he had gotten an std from a girl he had a one night stand with. I asked him how he knew he had an std. He said that his particular condition included itching in his genitals that would come and go.

I asked Deshaun what he did about it. He said he went to get std testing from a clinic in downtown Manhattan with rave reviews which was only a mile from his house. I asked how he heard about them. He emailed me a few articles about this std testing clinic from the web as well as their web site.

The std testing clinic he sent me email about contained the website and one of the reviews in the same email was from this site at

I called up this Same Day STD Testing clinic and spoke to a guy there for about 10 minutes. I like what he was saying and he was able to set me up with an std test at the same clinic Deshaun had gone to. I figured that since I was going to be heading over to Deshaun's house anyways for a few days, I might as well go to the clinic he had been at. I went to my appointment and was out of there in less than 15 minutes.

I got my results 2 days later and even though was not happy they detected an STD... at least I now have a label of what is causing the bumps. I was able to get treatment cream and the bumps have lessened in their appearance since.

I believe that Same Day STD Testing is a good testing clinic and they stand behind what they say on their website. I do recommend them to others who may be experiencing symptoms that might be stds like i was.

Take it from me, it's ok to be afraid of what you see. But it is important that you find out what is causing that problem so you can make it go away.

Date of experience: May 2, 2010