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North Carolina
1 review
5 helpful votes

I had an embarrassing 1 night stand a few weeks ago...
January 11, 2010

I had an embarrassing 1 night stand a few weeks ago that I won't go into. That's what happens when you have too much to drink with a blind date your sister sets you up with. Anyhow, I knew I needed to get myself tested some time afterward just to play it safe.

There was a buddy of mine who had used this testing company before and said they were solid and wouldn't rip me off. I have been ripped off before by these types of companies. You know, you pay for more than you really need. It's like ordering more food from a restaurant than you will ever eat and then the left overs sit in the fridge for days and never get anywhere but the trash later on.

So it was on a Friday later in the morning when I called their 800# and spoke to some really laid back guy. We had a 10 minute conversation. It was cool how he didn't push me to buy testing or try to hit on me. Yes, I did say hit on me. I called a supply company one time to order a part and the darn guy on the phone had the nerve to start asking me my eye color and what I liked to do in my spare time. Yuck... gross. Enough of that.

So the call ended with me being setup to visit a lab 6 miles from my apartment. I could be there that same day if i was able to. So I strolled over 2 hours later and waited in the lobby for 3 people ahead of me to get their testing. Then I was in and out in like 5 minutes from that point. It was good the wait was not too long at all and I could be taken the same day. I guess the company was not joking when they named themselves "same day" std testing.

Since I was tested on Friday afternoon, I expected these people to be like every other testing place I've been to and not get me back results until at least middle to later the next week. What a virtual hard on I got when I got word my results were in already on Monday.

So here's the recap from a happy lazy guy who got std tested to all of you who want to get tested:
1.800# and FREE consultation - no cost to you to call and talk to one of their counselors
2. Good pricing - they didn't bend me over for big dollars
3. Nice friendly people - I didn't have some weirdos staring at me making me feel awkward
4. Private - no one knew my business except for me and the testing company.
5. if I have something nice to say, it is going some. - I am known for my sarcastic humor. I have nothing at this moment to say to badmouth the people that run this lab.

Date of experience: January 11, 2010