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The website, is a website which involves the instruction to learning not only how to drive, though with useful knowledge involving perseverance in the following aspects: carefully, cautiously, courageously, confidentially, and of course, with good intention.

I find RoyDrive most helpful for the younger crowd, or at least that's how it fit for me. The outstanding creator of this very website was fortunately my driving instructor for Drivers Education. If it wasn't for him, I most certainly would cease to acquire the knowledge and ability on how to basically drive in general. That being said, it is also useful for other members of the driving community, as some people may decide to get their license later in their life. It's also great for senior drivers as well, as there is a section just for that!

When preparing for the dreaded road test, it's always a step ahead to know the route which the course takes place on of course! Fortunately, RoyDrive has a rather unique feature which enables you to know the exact boundaries which the course takes place in! Using Google Maps' designer map features, this easily becomes possible, and intends for powerful use as well.

Before heading off to face your fear and actually confront the test, it's always helpful to have more confidence. "Without confidence, comes defeat" they always say! Luckily, if you fall victim to this, there is an solution which acts as an antidote! RoyDrive consists of an entire menu on how to avoid anxiety. I know this, as it certainly worked in my favor!

Finally, without navigation comes confusion and undoubtedly makes it difficult to find your way around a website. Fortunately, if you arrive at this website, there is no need to worry! There is a set of drop-down menus which derive from the header. They direct you to exactly the route of the site which you desire.

Overall, RoyDrive is by far the most unique and technologically advanced website involving driving which I have come across so far. If you are looking for a website to answer a question of yours involving driving, is the go to website in my opion.

Date of experience: June 18, 2014