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Piece of Cake
August 26, 2017

If your like me or at least some of you are like me then you might have a few files, pictures, documents etc., that you may want to keep private and secure. What better way to secure these files than with a password and encryption. Rohos.com provides you with an easy, secure format for doing just that. You navigate to their website, download their free app, (they offer a paid app as well which lets you secure more that 8GB), set it up, add a password and Viola it's done.The app is installed on your flash drive directly and not your PC hard drive. This means you can take your thumb drive anywhere and access your files directly. There were a few steps to setting this up so I would read the download instructions carefully if your not that tech savy. All in all I found this an easy, secure way to keep my private files private. No adware, spyware are malware found at this time. If things change I'll update my post.

Date of experience: August 26, 2017