I loved this website and used it all the time for help translating phrases. The context it takes from exterior documents is amazing. HOWEVER, I am constantly being bombarded with inappropriate advertisements of scantalous clothing, showing bras and booty shorts that only half cover the model's butt. It is vastly inappropriate to force anyone using your product to see images that can be disturbing in anyway. Again I really appreciate the translating service, but their advertisement partners should be reconsidered.
I've been an Italian-English translator for 34 years and use Reverso quite a lot. It does have some good translations, but I mainly use it for what are obviously Italian speakers' interpretations of Italian phrases and expressions in English. These are frequently unusable and unidiomatic literal translations, but they can also offer clues for clarifying the meaning of those phrases and expressions. In other words, this product desperately needs quality control by competent native speakers. As an Italian-English reference tool, it simply can't be trusted. And, I suppose, it's also playing its role in keeping all those weird and often hilarious literal translations we all know and... love?!... in circulation.
I bought Reverso a year ago, tried it, didn't find it helpful, and forgot about it. Now, a year later my credit card was charged for another year. I contacted them, their answer is the charges automatically renew, so I am stuck for a subscription for this year. First I heard of it was a bill on my credit card, no notification that it would be renewed. So, used it once a year ago and that was it. I cancelled just now but the cancellation starts 1 year from now, so I am billed for a total of 2 years.
I don't know much about the French I took, but this site can get you on the right path to any language. It's pretty simple to use, and has an audio as well as a text translation engine.
This is a great site. Not only will it translate languages but it will provide you with the FULL conjugation of a variable! This is a must have for anyone learning a romance language.