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What is a Reserve?
April 3, 2018

When i come across like-minded indigenous people in the downtrodden areas and so called middle class areas too, the question is asked between me and her or i and him -- do you have a Reserve? Similar to Stockpile...and i say i am working on mine seriously. You know how to preserve then preserve in glass jars? You know how to dehydrate without electronics then you earned a new skill or former traditional skill. Think about how much you spend and waste though never sew and store. I think on Peace for Self and a peace of mindset would be to be ahead of my last times. This site is out of several dictionary sites for English and or American helps me to achieve academic goals and entrepreneurial goals without war. I mind my own business and network with like-minds. That is it. Survival is always first and never will be second. Be smart and intelligent. Also use a good Law Dictionary and do not forget the Federal Department of Motor Vehicle handbook and HAZMAT book too for clearer diction in the trucker world of logistics. My positive thoughts exactly. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.

Date of experience: April 3, 2018