This is absolutely the worst math game on the planet. It is literally dog water. Your game selection is absolute dog water. And don't even get me started on the rabbit on the warm up games he literally roasts you for get a typo and I have a friend who has mental issues and he cries over this matter of reflex.
This is stupid, the teachers are always telling us to play this dumb game, and it only gives you 5 seconds to answer a question, and it takes forever to get a green light, and that coach penny, who is always telling you to do a puzzle, and that foreign crab, and an old timey bunny with his son, junior who has to be hanged so he can "Fly", this is stupid, don't by the game
OMG, this is the world's worst game...I hope that the creator goes to hell! They need to actually think about how to make it fun, not how to make money...I spent 3-5 grade playing this dumb game, and it NEVER helped! All the teachers are like, play this game, and you will learn...NOOOOO, we will learn by YOU teaching us, not some AI! And don't even get me started about Coach Penny, the idiotic bear...
We were forced to do a hour of this terrible, annoying, useless math learning stuff everyday. It totally ruined learning math for me, and it's boring as heck. Looking back on it, I'm flabbergasted I didn't just hack Reflex and destroy it.
She is so annoying and she is like pointless and I am so pissed that she makes me do stuff before I can play fizz heads make an option to remove her please that would be nice BYE
From kindergarten to 4th grade, My school made us use this website. Absolutely traumatizing. I'm now a freshmen in high school, looking back on it. I can clearly see why I'm very self-conscious now. It always says how you are not fluent in { insert subject here} and that always made me want to become a perfectionist. Absolutely avoid this websites all cost, that is if you care about mental health in children. I recommend Freckle by renascence or Prodigy Math. Overall, sucks. I called the fictional character from the website 'fat penny' as she was coach penny. She's looks more like condensed milk than a bear..
Why do people pay money for this? It's so stressful. They're FORCING kids to memorize their facts. Whenever they accidentally hit the wrong key or button, they're ALWAYS saying it's wrong. I wish there was a button that said "accidentally hit wrong key?". Don't even mention coach penny's picture puzzle, They only give kids basically 3 seconds... AND 2 PUZZLES!?!?! UGH! They take FOREVER. 0 stars.
WE HATE REFLEX! "Coach" Penny claims to be a coach but is the most overweight, sped ahh bear that shakes the world when she walks. The picture puzzles take about as long as it takes for Coach Penny to lose weight. Don't even get me started on the tow-mater-looking rabbit that looks like he OD'ed on fentanyl 5+ times and is into pedophilia because he takes Junior the Rabbit into his basement for Drake and Diddy time. He loves baby oil. The freaky crab is on meth because he's so hyper and disappears. Also if you play this game you like men!
Reflex Math is the worst. You have to do this annoying Fact Fair thing in the beginning, and this bunny is always torturing this other bunny called Junior by making him jump over giant bars or tie him to the wall to make him "fly". Then you have to do not one, but TWO Coach Penny picture puzzles. SO ANNOYING! I can't stand watching Penny call herself a "coach" when she looks like she needs to go to the gym or something. The games are super boring, and the avatars look weird. It's impossible to get a 100% Facts Fluent. It takes an eternity to get a green light. Sometimes kids start crying when they play. It causes mental health issues. And on the website it says "WhEn tHeY uSe ReFLeX, KiDs LoVe MaTh. More like the opposite. If I could I would rate it 0 stars.
This is a stupid application for math. Teachers say that it helps you learn math facts. This statement is not true. Instead, this crab is very annoying and bosses you around. Teachers looking at this, please do not buy reflex. It is a waste of money and very bad. Students don't like reflex math. Thanks for reading this.
I like it, but it could be better. I mean, The games are good, but the way they say opp is too slow, is very annoying and they just change the equation. One of the good parts is that they give you help with equations when you're stuck on one. I recommend you get this.
Answer: Because it is stupidly designed to :( this is so bad I hate it
Answer: Because this game was suposted to be a "fun" way to learn your math facts but instead all they did was make a poor excuse of a game to learn your facts. Prodigy is much better.
Reflex has a rating of 1.1 stars from 70 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Reflex most frequently mention coach penny, picture puzzle and mental health. Reflex ranks 10th among Kids Math sites.