RED Digital Cinema

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Red will dominate the DSLR market... just wait and see - For those of you who are not familiar with Red, it is a new video camera that shoots HD video that has taken Hollywood by storm. The founder of the company, Jannard, made his first billion by being the founder of Oakley sunglasses and a few years ago he went into the camera business. His video cameras are upgradable and far less expensive than what is typically made by the old school companies. Other digitial video cameras cost in the 6 figures, but Red put out a model that is better and it was only around $17-20K. Movies such as Jumper and upcoming movies like Angels & Demons (Tom Hanks) have all been shot on Red.

So, why is this a big deal for photography? Because they are releasing this month a new DSLR "killer". Imagine this... a DSLR/video camera... you can use your existing lenses, but on a new platform. Imaging shooting video at something like 10MP at 24fps. You could go back and then just pick one of the still shots to develop in RAW as your "keeper". You would never miss a shot again. Imagine never having to upgrade your sensor, because all you do is pop it out and replace it with a new and improved sensor. Here are a few articles as teasers. I am a believer and can't wait to see what is in store for us consumers. Canon, Nikon and Sony will have a new American competitor... finally. Leave it to the Oakley sunglass king to show them up.

Date of experience: November 6, 2008