This website asks for a minimum of 12 months of membership to be paid which I did. After that when you send interests, some will accept your interest. Even after your interest is accepted, you can not view contact details. It seems that the profiles are fake... Someone will accept your interest to make it look like genuine. If you ever write to the customer service, you will never ever hear anything from them. They are just after your money. A complete fraud in my opinion. Stay away..
I tried many sites finally got clicked here. Had a small family gathering and got married.
I will definitely recommend this site for people seeking for second marriage.
Thank You for your service, may god bless you all.
You will be well advised to check the credentials of this website before doing anything. 24/7 live support is NEVER available. Try calling the number and there will be no one to answer it AT ANY POINT. Also there are some bogus 'members' who would accept every interest but will never attempt to make any progress once the membership payment is made. Overall, just a bogus website to take money off innocent people.
Register your membership.
You will get one or two likes next day.
You can send your likes to Free members (FM) or Platinum Members (PM).
You will get responses from Free members. 80 to 90% FM will like you and a few will decline. ( you will never get a single like from PM or VIP. Even if you get, there will not be any great communication).
Within a week you are made to feel that there is sizable members liking you.
Even after you pay for Platinum or VIP, you can not view the contacts of the profiles are communicate with them.
If you are VIP member, it is the worst. No one can send you their likes. You are totally isolated.
Please see there are some positive reviews. It is a human tendency to write short Positive reviews and long negative reviews. You can decide for yourself which reviews are what.
DO NOT DEPEND on these reviews. TRY FOR YOURSELF. BUT TRY WITHOUT WASTING YOUR MONEY. is the best Martimonial Site specially for second & remarriage if you compare with other sites in this category. I understand that not everyone's happy using it. Many customers also means many problems. But let's be fair here: It is one of the best and safe site i have experienced with. Only difference is that happy customers usually don't leave a review.
There are many men on matrimonial sites who spam by sending unwanted messages and express interest in profiles which does not match their criteria. gives you the complete control to display your contact details so unwanted members who spam should not reach you out.
In my case even after sharing contact details a few members were just interested in friendship and not serious about getting married. This type of people are there on all matrimonial sites, we should be careful in communicating with such useless people and these are the same people who become a paid member and want to communicate with many females for timepass and also these are the same people who mostly write negative reviews out of frustation. is just a medium to connect people( they may be bad or good we need to figure out). It'ѕ nоt thаt еаѕу fоr a mаtrіmоnіаl ѕіtе tо keep an eye on еvеrу fаkе creator and user. Sо, уоu nееd tо gіvе a keen eye сhесk, whеnеvеr уоu gо оn tо еxрlоrе any mаtrіmоnіаl ѕіtе.
First up all I'd like to thank for helping me find my life partner through their site.
I had no idea that a site like this existed before specialising in remarriages, it was one of my close friend who insisted me to go through this portal and see suitable alliances when I end up not finding the right one from all the other marriage sites where i registered and was trying from a long time. After browsing and going through this site. I was impressed by the profiles information put up on the site and the Easy to Use features with Intelligent Matchmaking tools that shows the compatibility meter which helped me in shortlisting the profiles matching my criteria.
There are only two paid memberships Platinum and VIP. As a platinum member you get access to contact all the members on the site. VIP Membership has got special privacy features with personalised matrimonial services which is good for people who do not have enough time to find their soul mate. VIP Membership also has a Guarantee Program where in if you don't find a life partner in the one year time period of the membership. will continue to provide the services till you find a life partner. There is another important feature for VIP Members that is eCounseling an online counseling service with a panel of experts who will provide valuable advice on a wide range of relevant subjects from premarital counseling for singles entering their first marriage or a remarriage, emotional disorders, step-parenting problems to communication problems etc.
Well to cut it short, overall the site is neat, clean and very user friendly with good innovative matchmaking technology. I would definitely rate it to give 5 ***** and would recommend as one of the best place to find a suitable life partner for second time around. My best wishes to the Team.
My experience with is really good and iam happy that i found my partner out here. While registering i was pissed of about the information they were asking in the registration page. I was reluctant to provide and when i spoke to the customer care they told only serious members register and provide all the required information. The questions about my previous marriage background, my entire family details blah blah since i dont want to disclose all this i took a VIP Membership which assures confidentiality of the information and privacy to my photos which i dont want to show to all members.
I dont think bogus people register here, bcoz the site not only asks you a lot of information but also asks you to upload atleast one photo to get the profile activated, which means without photograph your profile will never get activated and will not be published on the site.
Overall i rate this website 5stars for their service and 4stars for the site design.
Recently was covered by the leading newspaper The their article on old age people finding life partner.********.ece