I found this website during the short time I was on Pinterest (before I had to stop because I was inundated with emails). Her website caught my eye because she did have easy recipes that could be done quickly and that tasted good. Many of the recipes had an Asian taste to them. She also has a blog, which is very interesting. She also has giveaways which will benefit any cook lucky enough to win them. So out of all the Pinterest sites, hers was the only one I kept!
Answer: Rasamalaysia doesn't sell products, so I've never had to get in touch with customer services.
Answer: I found rasamalasysia.com when I had Pinterest for a short time. Hers was the only site I kept after I deleted Pinterest because she DID have easy quick recipes that tasted good. She also adds an Asian twist to many recipes, which is new and flavorful.
Answer: It's a legitimate business. She also has a blog. She also has giveaways.