Reality Squared Games

Reality Squared Games

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The games are pretty cool at first, but after a while you have to cash to get anywhere, and after that, they're not really that much more fun enough to actually pay the money to continue.

When I first joined 2 years ago, customer service was great, but like most gaming websites, after their games got uber-popular and they started raking in the big bucks, they basically stopped caring. A few years ago, if a person was caught bullying they got warned and muted, and banned if it continued. Now, you'd be hard pressed to find a mod within 200 feet of any of the games. I posted in forums and it took 3 weeks for a staff member to respond, at which point there was nothing they could do anyway.

I would be a lot happier if they would start caring again.

Date of experience: January 11, 2015
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Worst game publisher
February 24, 2018

I have been playing wartune through this publisher for long time. When i was first joined 5 years ago their service was great and now they don't care about the players at all. They bring bugs in to the game one way or the other. Even creating issues with all the events, rewards and on top of that to compensate a player they don't give a damn rather they prefer player compensating them with lot of money. I really rate them single star or below.

Date of experience: February 24, 2018
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With most free to play games they get you by making you pay for the extras. The particular game I got hooked on this time was Wartune. Thousands of dollars in less than 6 months just to stay in the top 10 on my server, and you have to play that game almost 24/7 to stay on top, can't have a life outside of it. Don't waste your time.

Date of experience: June 18, 2015
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$#*! company
June 16, 2022

Did played league of angels for couple years. Then suddenly my diamonds dissapeared. Due to hour change and they didnt wanted to give back... they said and i quote"you used 3000 diamonds this year" lol These $#*!s dont know what they are doing. Despite gaining more they didnt gave me back anything. Free tip don't waste ur time and money. At least not for this $#*!y company. Too bad i couldnt give 0 stars. Wasted several years of my life in this $#*!.

Date of experience: June 16, 2022
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Look at all the games they have destroyed, Stormthrone, Winterfrost Legacy, Lunaria Story, the list is a million miles long. We don't owe you morons a penny, you have destroyed our games & took off with OUR money. You have games like Crystal Saga that are part 1 2 3... the sick part is... IT IS THE SAME GAME. Not very creative. Just repeats of the same. How much money will i fork up for your BS? Not a dime baby!

Date of experience: February 27, 2020
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All they want is your $$
February 3, 2016

They don't care about user experience. All they care about is how much $$ you're willing to fork over. Don't get sucked into their cheap games.

Date of experience: February 3, 2016