One of the many crypto exchanges out there. Keep in mind this is not CoinBase it's CoinBasePro which is an exchange. You can only exchange Crypto to Crypto or exchange it to USDC or USD then transfer it to your or preferred cash out place. This is more of a intermediate service. There are much better exchanges out there but this is great and fairly easy to use. It's easy to start with CoinBase and free transfers between it and Pro.
While there are a lot of better prices as far as fee's, spreads and rates this is by far one of the easiest and most simple to use. It will take a little getting used to if you are new to finance.
I have to remove a star probably should remove two because they have been involved with some sketchy activities recently. They are not truly DeFi but still better then a bank. Good for people new to Crypto but can teach bad habits like storing your seed phrase online which you should NEVER do.