The Poetry Archive is a superb online resource for anyone who loves poetry. Run by serious poets (Andrew Motion, Seamus Heaney et al) it has set out to provide a library of historic and current voice recordings of poets reading their own works. It is a work in progress and there are gaps – not all great poets submitted to being recorded and it is obviously limited by the era of recording technology. There are many sites on the net where you can track actual poems. This is the best I've found where you can listen to a poem being recited by the poet. The site is biased to British poets, but it is steadily building up its archive of American poets as well. You can browse by poet, title, theme, form etc. The site has good sections to support teachers and students. There is a dedicated poetry archive for children. Great! - This is very interesting and useful site for the people who are poet. The people who want help for literature they also can get idea from this site. There is so many lines written by the poets, i like that very much, but there is one thing i don't like is that there is no any entire poem or creation on the website page to get encouragement...