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Free-verse Poetry by DOUGLAS GILBERT (Review Intro by Monica) - Officially, this is a poetry blog, but there are actually two blogs running in parallel. The main blog contains some wonderful free-verse poetry on a wide variety of subjects; they're listed by title under "CATEGORIES". All the poems are written by Douglas Gilbert (including the ones by "Diane", a female narrator of first person poems). Doug grew up in a cave. He has written about himself under the "ABOUT 1-6" pages. These pages are becoming "The Blog of the Caveman" which seems to be transforming into a novel. I haven't actually been invited to the secret caves, so I'm not sure about his biography. Recently, his friend, Zawmb'yee, has taken over the writing of this blog. She will turn it back to him when he feels better. But, anyway -- I LIKE THE POETRY.

Some of the poems are exuberant love poems like, "You In Me," "Still Rapid," "Of Ink," and "We Are Glowing." Some are very dark like "Cherry Pie Dark Memories", "Legend Baby", and "Wait On Me." There's a very short one that makes me cry even though the "experts" say it's not in proper form -- it's called "My Poem For Mommy Steno".

Most of his poems stir my emotions, but I'm not sure at the moment how to articulate it. Maybe, I'll come back to it another time. I'm not sure I'm qualified to do an analysis of the meanings. I think you'll enjoy.
---- Monica (Monicazir from Digg)

Date of experience: August 9, 2008