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Hi! My name is Edward J. Roscoe and I am 32 years old. I work at a drugstore chain, as a pharmaceutical manager and am the head pharmacist within our pharmacy. I wanted to follow in my mom's footsteps - she was a neurologist. But first, I chose to find a basic education and registered in the biochemistry department at the University of Texas. Then I studied four more years at pharmacy school, where I obtained my PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy) level. In the usa, it takes 8 to 10 years including residency to become a pharmacy tech.
Pharmacists in america continuously monitor the prescribing of drugs. The pharmaceutical sector has experienced a variety of transformations recently, this involves the training of pharmacists, who learn their professional skills alongside other health professionals - physicians, physicians, nutritionists, etc. Everyone is trained jointly. This training model was created so that they can easily function as a team later on. Previously, there was no such practice because just the doctor was responsible for pharmacotherapy. Now it's the responsibility of the pharmacist. As an example, a patient experiences gallbladder surgery, and the pharmacist is accountable for explaining to the patient what medications to take prior to and after the operation, how the operation will proceed, and the probable dangers of the surgery.
The pharmacist is responsible for individually selecting medications for your surgery, considering unforeseen circumstances. A long time ago I found the Medicine Directory Clinical pharmacologists, who work in medical institutions, participate in medical rounds with doctors and other specialists. They do not merely observe what medication the physician prescribes, but propose possible solutions themselves, frequently consult with the physician's view, talking about it and creating a collegial decision after a comprehensive discussion. The task of this pharmacologist at the hospital is also to compute and dose the drug, choosing the perfect dose for each patient individually, taking into consideration the patient's current state of health.

Date of experience: May 5, 2021