The top source of prescription drug information, it features an unique and authoritative pill identification wizard which will help you identify anything you find accidentally dropped on the floor, or hidden in, say, your teenager's bedroom. That alone is priceless for parents. You may learn about your prescription drugs, how they work and how they interact, and even check out your pet's medication here. In addition to information on about 25,000 medications classified by name and by illness, the site also keeps visitors up to date on the latest pharmaceutical news. One of the top handful of websites that you simply must bookmark, and highly recommended.
I needed advice about depression medication, so first I looked for it on their forums and it hadn't been asked before, so I asked it. The next day, before I got the chance to get any replies, I saw that it had been deleted. I emailed the support about it. They never replied. That's such a great thing to do to a depressed person reaching out for help.
Reading other people's questions and answers had been helpful in the past, but getting shut down and given no reason for why doesn't make me want to go back there. Why pretend to have customer service when you actually don't?
I got sick over Christmas and was trying to remember the name of the antibiotic that cured my cold virus last time and found this site to be very helpful. Called my doctor and got it and was pretty much cured by the next day. Yippee!
Lexapro has been a major positive in my life. I've suffered from depression for over 10 years now and taking this pill has solved so many issues I didn't even know where to begin to diagnose myself. My head became stable and generally positive and happy everyday. Its almost impossible to feel THAT down anymore. Another few positives has been that it has helped me slow way way down on my smoking and I have no real desire to drink alcohol, not that I'm free from stress. My sexual desire has actually INCREASED. When you are so stressed all the time your sex drive normally goes down, so now that I am released from stress because of this pill I'm doing things I was never able to do before.
Hi there been doing buisness with an iop
Prestige pharmacy prices and products
Are really good a bit like top ten meds
But with give a refund if you
Present a LL when ttm2u dont.
If your stuck give them a try as not
Expensive and real pharmacy so
All the best hope i havent broke any rules.
Colin mitchell
Great site to identify any type of medication. It also gives you detailed information about each medication and any possible reactions. Very useful site.
This is a great website for everyone! This site is for Doctors and patients as well as family members to check on the side affects and interactions of prescription medications and even tells you how some over the counter meds might affect and interact with others and your prescription meds.
Yahoo offers an application in conjunction with this site where you can enter the data on your prescription meds or a family members meds and remains as an online personal record. The thing I love about this is that I've got my older sister and a roommate that is disabled and both of them are on prescription medications. I have both records that I can access at any time and if they get a new prescription, I can enter it and see how it will work with the ones they're already on.
For busy Doctors this is a great website as well to have a quick look at when prescribing meds for their patients.
My sister is on a battery of meds and one day, she had a psychotic episode because she was prescribed two medications that were not compatible and she ended up in the hospital for nearly a week while the Doctors figured out what happened. I wish I'd known about this site before that happened!
Also, if I may make a suggestion. If you have a heart patient or someone in your household that may have to be taken by ambulance in an emergency, you may want to enter all the meds and keep a printed out copy for the medical staff that you can hand over so they can see what prescriptions and OTC drugs the patient is taking and then know immediately what treatment to administer. It beats gathering up prescription bottles in a hurry for EMS and the ER Doctors. Oh, and you can sign up for FDA notifications and warnings to come straight to your email too.
I hope this helps someone out. I've found it to be a very valuable site for my family.
It is a very good place to remind the drug names. It always help me while I am in trouble to remember drug names.
About the best site you can use to find out anything about any kind of prescription medication!
Answer: Yes very easy and you pay through Visa so you are protected plus drugs Either vacum packed or in the blisters With the leaflet with information on the Medicene