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I have been using this website for around 7 years now to check out all the cool artwork and fan art of anime, manga, video games and original content. There are tons of skilled artist from around the world that post their creations for everyone to look at and admire. If you draw and create works of art yourself, you can post your own stuff on the website. Other things you can do on the site are: join fan groups, support your favorite artist(s) by purchasing things from them and making monthly contributions and some other related things, like a subscription membership where you can get the ads removed from the site and support maintaining their website/service. I personally check out the site quite often to see new artwork that the creators I follow have posted and to discover new artist/creators. Definitely worth trying out, if you are a fan of art, especially art that is related to anime, manga and video games.

Date of experience: March 12, 2022
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One thing is that Pixiv needs to work on cancelling membership subscription. You cannot delete your credit card. And even if I requested customer service they only said to cancel it on google apps or paypal.

You cannot rely on those methods. I want to physically remove my card. Not through google or paypal because it's not on my options. As much as I love the site they have $#*!ty $#*! methods to cancel your subscription.

Make it easier next time instead of relying on google and paypal.

Date of experience: April 13, 2020
34 reviews
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If you are an anime fan, you're going to like this, its a website where users can submit their drawings online for others to view. Just like deviantart, their ads don't redirect users to malware. I especially love when users submit any anime characters that are 8-head proportion, as well as "pokemon anthropomorphism" ().

The only malicious ads I faced are the mobile site (, thankfully, recently I have no issues so far.

Date of experience: June 29, 2017
27 reviews
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It's a pretty good site, tbh.

The layout is wee haphazard but it's easy to use. The users tend to be friendlier and the admins are quite accommodating.

Sure, besides some of the more "questionable" artwork, it's an overall permissive site but, with a Pixiv Premium, that problem can be fixed.

They could, however, let you have more than a 200 tag limit on a blacklist.

Date of experience: March 4, 2019
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Unregulated beyond relief. It would seem that the information security and administration staff off the website doesn't really understand and or care about the content that is uploaded onto their website. The lack of 2FA/MFA and filtering algorithms have allowed users to upload illegal content on the sites with multiple burner/alt accounts resulting in bans being useful in the slightest. The amount of REAL child pornography and illegal links/marketing recirculating through the website via such alt accounts has become sickening yet laughable. If you are an artist looking to show off your fanart/skills/art then I would stay well clear of PIXIV for the time being until the owners provide better management of their services.

Date of experience: September 18, 2022
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Good site
February 26, 2017

I think this is the best site for artists.
I love all the features, and there aren't arrogant jerks, cyber bullies here

Date of experience: February 25, 2017