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One of the oldest and still best photographer websites. Extensive help from other photographers as well as high quality photographs and critiques if you want them. There is a lot of information about camera equipment and how to use it as well as where best to purchase camera equipment. The site is always improving and if you have not been to the website in some time it is worth a return visit.

Date of experience: January 16, 2015
New York
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I was very surprised about the lack of responsiveness to simple questions that members of attempted to ask. Easy question were answered but ones that attempted to question these changes were often answered with a curt response and a "it is what it is now" answer with a lack of real appreciation of the needs of their members. You cant fulfill all the needs of members but its unfortunate that the answers are often thoughtless and portray a need of management to avoid members concern.

Date of experience: March 12, 2017
16 reviews
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Report Review is a very 'robust' website for photographers and anyone else connected with photography. They have loads of specific forums, like 'digital darkroom,' forums devoted to specific camera companies, forums about lighting, etc. They even have a beginners forum which is great for duh, beginners. There are some world class photographers and photography experts on this site, so a question you raise is often answered very thoroughly. Now here's the rub. Sometimes the responders are very technical and will even argue among themselves. They also have an entire library of articles, and the site allows you to upload your own photos for critiques. The free version of the site gives you a limited portfolio space. The paid subscription (which is very cheap) gives you unlimited space for portfolios. I could mention all the other positive aspects of the site, but the best thing to do is to check it out for yourself. Now, I have heard some photographers claim the members of the site are too parochial, but you'll have to decide that yourself.

Date of experience: June 16, 2016