The forums are a pig sty. Someone made suggestions on how to improve the moderation and they were mocked. I tried to defend that the person making the suggestions and my comments were censored for bogus reasons.
The forums are run like a UFC match. They have an ignore function which only serves to tie one's hands behind their back. The users ignored can still read everything you write and attack it and you. What exactly is the point? Apparently, many of the commenters want to see flame wars. And the moderators encourage it. But the censorship for writing any criticism of how the site is run goes too far.
And that tells you all you need to know. Some of the articles are interesting (but largely available elsewhere), many are irrelevant to photography or just recycling other people's PR. You'll have to decide for yourself to what extent you trust the product reviews on a site owned by Amazon. There's a famous Ferengi mantra that may apply.
When I asked my friend for help in choosing a camera, he introduced dpreview to me. As a amateur, I was overwhelmed with information and I didn't know there are some much to know about a camera other than clarity!
Many useful reviews that are very detailed to help anyone to choose the best camera for themselves!
The forums on Dpreview are really good. People really know their stuff, and consistently give good advice on cameras, lenses, accessories, and the site regularly provides professional reviews of all the newest equipment
I and my friends are using this online service when we are moving to a new camera. This service is providing a detailed review on every product and proper images of the product. So this is helping to understand the product properly. So this is a best site for who are looking for a best camera.
I purchase my very first camera from this store and after almost 2 years it's still working fine. If you're looking for high quality cameras with affordable prices, you should check this out!
Always come on this site when looking for a new camera to purchase or see one in a store i wish to get information on. Very thorough reviews, detailed pictures and informative comparison charts. Appreciate the volume of cameras reviewed.
Probably the best place you can go on the internet when you want to buy a digital camera. The reviews and the tests are excellent. So far I bought 3 digital cameras and I made my selection every time based on the information on this site.
If you have a question, you can ask in their forums, you'll get a quick and accurate answer from the community. Overall a very useful site, I'll use it again before my next camera purchase.
Found out lots of useful information on how to select the perfect camera. I think this is a great site for people who do photography as a hobby but if you are just looking for a cool point and shoot camera then this site is a little bit overwhelming
I wouldn't buy a camera without looking at this site first. I've purchased 3 or 4 after reviewing the information they provide. My favorite feature is the set of photos they take for each camera, makes it so easy to compare when you're looking for specifics, e.g. macro.
DPReview has a rating of 4.4 stars from 42 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with DPReview most frequently mention and new camera. DPReview ranks 3rd among Photography Forum sites.