I think highly of Ms. Noonan and read her articles every week in the Wall Street Journal. However, we cannot read her site from home because her Web master has blacklisted us. We have been complaining for more than a year and we have been ignored. We tried the directions on the site, e-mails, and finally called the number listed in the DNS Lookup, which resulted in a very weird conversation with someone very evasive. As much as I appreciate her views, her choice of providers is suspect, and why she would subject us to this Kafkaesque trial is beyond me.
And for the record, we did nothing inappropriate. As in Kafka's book, Ms. Noonan's people refuse to explain the basis for our blacklisting. We do not show up in other blacklists, so there is something strange here. And after that phone call, weird.
If only Maureen Dowd were as articulate as Peggy Noonan - It's hard to think of a clearer and more insightful commentator on the state of US politics than Peggy Noonan. Ms. Noonan is a columnist for the Wall Street Journal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peggy_Noonan and excels at leveling criticism at the hypocrisy of both political parties. Ms. Noonan is a moderate conservative but avoids the frivolous partisan bashing that often afflicts many lesser liberal commentators, such as Maureen Dowd.
Ms. Noonan's most recent piece on the Democratic National Convention is excellent
If only the Left could produce such an articulate and thoughtful voice...
Read Ms. Noonan's column in the Wall Street Journal here: http://online.wsj.com/public/article/declarations.html