My kids have liked Arthur a lot but unfortunately we are going to have to decrease the eyeball time for them. This last episode of the gay marriage was quite inappropriate. They made it a point to go out of their way to feature this when they know this is a controversial topic. Just not ok for kids from a more unbiased network like pbs. Really sad that they have gotten caught up in the wave of focusing on this. I hope they will continue to tackle real issues like autism and such without inserting opinions of morality into children's programming.
One of the worse thing about is my sis always be there for games and much more entertainment. This shows that how influenced and perfectly designed website it is. I like it personally by the way.
I have been getting sick of all of the websites that keep asking for money so my kids can keep on using it. I don't even know how much I have spent on farmville and webkins or worse club penguin at this point. Those are really good sites, but they get expensive. PBSkids is a great site and it is free (that being the best part)
My kids love going to They like the idea of being able to play games featuring all of their favorite characters like Super Y and Caillou. I don't have a lot of money, so I can't afford all these subscription sites, but is absolutely free. No gimmicks. It good wholesome fun and games for children. is the home of the great television shows such as mr. Rogers' neighborhood, barney and friends, the electric company, and of course The Sesame Street. The website is so beautifully designed with accessibility options available for children with special needs. There are games, videos and information about shows available on the website for young audiences. It also has a section for parents.
Why did you remove kart kingdom? That was a very fun game for me! I remember how i played with my friends on there. I really hope you bring it back! I mean the other games are really fun but that game gives me memories. I really hope that you bring it back or at least a sequel to it. But the website is 5 stars.Its good for learning in a fun way, you get to watch good shows, and you get to play really good games!
PBS kids is a safe site, its fine to use it. It can be a little educational for young kids, for example, there's a series on PBS kids that's called Martha speaks, when I was a little kid, it would actually teach me words that I didn't know, such as fluent, as in being able to read fluently, meaning to speak accurately and smoothly. However, as I got older it got less and less educational for me as I had already grown to know most of the words. However, even though PBS kids isn't educational for the older kids, I still use it every once in a while as it has acceptable episodes. Overall, I think PBS kids is a great site.
Everyone loves PBS Kids, and it's so beautifully educational. But it has a HORRIBLE practice of blocking children from other countries. So, PBS Kids, children who are not American aren't children?
This is a horrible backward-looking practice - instead of moving into a new age where all humans work together for the common good, PBS Kids falls back on this horribly limiting concept of 'my nation first'. If people in third-world countries are able to access education through PBS Kids, this is a bad thing?
It's a good thing. Education for all nations spreads education across the planet. It destroys the ancient nemesis of ignorance - an educated world will be a world without ignorance or wars.
PBS Kids is an enemy of that world of tomorrow, an enemy of the future.
A good and safe site that my kids can play on.
They watch episodes of Arthur and Odd Squad.
My only complaint is, I wish they had more episodes of Arthur because thats all I hear about.
I was skeptical about downloading this app since my Kindle Fire refuses to play videos from the internet including the videos from the CW Network app which I previously downloaded to my Kindle Fire. Just to be clear, the PBS Kids app is specifically designed for the Kindle Fire. It plays video clips from all of the children shows on the PBS network; Curious George, Dinosour Train, Sesame Street, ect. The app even plays full episodes of some of the shorter telivision shows. The video picture expands to the size of the Kindle screen and flips as you turn the tablet whereas other apps are stuck in the upright position and won't turn with the tablet. It does take some time for the video to load, but once loaded it plays without issues.
PBS Kids has a rating of 3.6 stars from 20 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. PBS Kids ranks 24th among Kids sites.