I bought a braindump from them after looking at several sites including testking.com, passitcertify.com, braindumps.com... they are really horrible. Though the price is cheaper than the rest - the braindumps is totally outdated. I believe many have fallen into this trap of getting braindumps at cheap prices. They thought that they can save USD50-60 by getting such bargains. What is going to happen is you will end up wasting your money AND your precious time using such outdated materials and retaking the same exam all over again.
Although they promise to pay the money back if you fail, in practise they don't. They also use questions from old obsolete OS versions. So you really pay money for nothing and even won't get a cent back if you fail the exam.
Yep. I am another one of those victims scammed by this site.
They advertised a lot and they hire people to advertise in facebook groups but actually they are really bad.
I lost almost 200 dollars...
This is one of the sites I wasted my hard earned money and also my time.
Don't believe those paid ads - they spend money on this because they know they are not good
Do not contact them or buy anything from them.
Many of my colleagues got conned by them. You end up paying for nothing
Do not spend time and money on them. All my friends and myself have experienced bad things with them after purchases were made.
What a waste of my money, hope and time!
Never waste these on these people!
Regret like hell! And run away from the as far as you can
They are simply not a good choice for you to place your money and time with,
I paid for outdated dumps and they never replied to my emails
I spent time and money on them and they gave me outdated questions and wrong answers too... Very disappointed with them...
Don't waste your time purchasing any of the practice exams from MeasureUp. Complete waste of time and money.