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My 11mo old lab/border collie mix ate some white chocolate Hershey's Kisses and we only realized it when we discovered little foil wrappers all over her bed. Through the online chat, Dr Mark Nunez rea... read more
Product we downloaded was terrible. I wanted a simple lease and the product (and I confirmed with a help desk person) was a simple word document that allow me to update a few cells - there were very b... read more
PhD law writers is the best online platform to get help law assignments. Their entire team is so supportive and helpful that I didn't feel lost during the entire process of my assignment writing. They... read more
I've been in IP since about 2001. What I really like about the course is that it not only tells you the rules about a given topic but links the relevant sections of the MPEP. Not only that, but the re... read more
Was sentenced by my Judge for a first offence (Nevada Lvl 1 drunk driving) for a lot more costs than I expected - DUI class, ignition interlock device, SR-22 insurance. Happy I found this school searc... read more
I bought a braindump from them after looking at several sites including,, they are really horrible. Though the price is cheaper than the rest - the bra... read more
Talking Parents recently increased the monthly fee and yet the service is worse.
90% of the time I'm unable to open up a message, resulting in having to wait 1/2 day to it to work
Anytime I log on, ... read more
My company's rival company posted fake bad reviews on my Trustpilot reviews platform. Elsewhere I connect with and share to him. Then he charged me 500$ in exchange, he will rate my reviews pla... read more
Law Firm Directory listing thousands of lawyers by type of practice or location. Find a lawyer in your country, state, area or by practice type. read more
When you're looking for the right online attorney to go to, you should use this site. Great way to see which attorneys are at the top of their performance ratings. read more
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