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Great Selection, Poor Download Method
November 23, 2021

The list of games available is outstanding to see that someone has not only still got these games but is prepared to let you download them for a very small price. Brings back many memories.
The only issue I have is the outdated form of downloading. If you pay you should be able to download without having to individually enter a code. Very time-consuming.

Date of experience: November 22, 2021
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Love it
June 23, 2020

I play old PC game weekly and its totally amazing, couldn't live without it ever. I like the memories they bring me

Date of experience: June 23, 2020
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I know at least a couple of people who'll go for this one. More than 5000 old PC games including many classics, many of which have become "abandonware" and have found their way online in their original form. Strictly speaking, most of these games are someone's copyright unless they've officially been released as freeware since they were first published, but many of the software houses that produced them have long since gone out of business, or don't particularly wish to make a big issue over copyright anyway since they're all many years old. And where a software developer is still in business, it's not bad publicity for them to be associated with games so popular they're being downloaded ten or more years after they were first sold.

There are hundreds if not thousands of hours of play left in these games, still, and of course they're ideal for older computers and operating systems. If you've got an old PC running Windows95 in the attic, you should find many of these are suitable.

There is a cost, but it's not steep, and the site owners say it's to pay for the cost of keeping up the site, which is fair enough. You can get a month to download whatever you like, for $8.95. If for some reason you only want a day, that's $5.95, making it much more worthwhile to get the month and download the whole lot if you can.

These are going to be especially attractive to middle-aged nerds who remember playing these the first time around, but there are at least two generations of upcoming nerds, too, who can still be hooked on Duke Nukem or King's Quest if they're given the chance. This is a big chunk of computer gaming history.

Date of experience: October 19, 2010
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Why pay to play (rent) old games when you can use lovefilm to rent new games! Would not recommend.

Date of experience: September 30, 2013