O'cedar Microfiber Easywring Spin Mop & Bucket System
Revolutionary. It is truly an awesome mop system. I have been a "maid, housekeeper, domestic goddess" for 30+ years from the finest homes to the finest hotels across the country... I love this system. It's simple and most important, it cleans your floors... The mop heads can be washed several times before you change them=of course this depends on how much you personally use them. But still a great savings... I got mine at walmart for $34.00 then I purchased 4 more mop heads at ebay for $23 shipping included. That may seem like a lot but my whole house has to be mopped-No carpet. So factoring in not only my time but the other mops and heads, plus the fact it cleans so much better, there's no comparison. O'cedar easywring is simply AWESOME...