How would you rate SELFNutritionData?
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Poorly run
July 28, 2021

What used to be an excellent site is now poorly run. Was it bought by some other entity? When searching this site you will receive a 503 error about 50% of the time thus making the site useless.
What happened?

Date of experience: July 28, 2021
9 reviews
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Ever wonder what's in that Big Mac you are eating?

If you are like myself, you are much more conscious about nutrition with the continously
Increasing negative conditions in relation to nutrition related circumstances.
(Increasing Autism correlated with food peservatives/coloring, Diabetes associated with
High sugar junk foods, etc.)

This site gives detailed information regarding nutritional data for raw foods (fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.)
And many of the well known meals/dishes.
In addition, they also have data on commonly bought fast food such as Big Macs, Subway Subs,
Burger King French Fries, and so forth.

Recommended to anyone from the person looking to shed a few pounds to people
Who are trying to change their diet to a more nutritional sound one.

Date of experience: February 11, 2011
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The site is excellent on providing the nutritional content of foods.
The aspect of the site that is questionable is in 2 aspects:

1. In many foods they describe that the food is an excellent source of this or that vitamin or mineral when this is factually wrong if we believe what the word excellent is suppose to mean.

2. The inflammatory rating system seems to be questionable with many foods with a high rating such as macadamia nuts, a rating of 600, has only 2 stars for optimum health.
I have written to them some weeks ago confronting them with this issue but have received no reply.

Date of experience: March 13, 2014
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March 20, 2022

I have always protected myself against identity theft by using an alternate DOB on non-government and non-financial institutions websites. I tried to open an account with SELFNutrition and was denied because of DOB. If Condé Nast is not putting me on their payroll why do they need my DOB, especially since it appears they already have it? They also don't like my VPN. Any site that won't allow users to protect themselves should not be trusted inside your computer.

Date of experience: March 20, 2022
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I feel this site functionality has not been maintained and the tools for utilizing are not accessible.
Upon registration, no confirmation emails, yet says I'm registrated, and account retrieval elicits nothing
Additionally no opt-in (but buried in hyperlinked terms, etc) for 'registration across the Conde Nast network'
Delineates the real point of this 'functionality' to collect user data.

DO NOT USE THIS SITE, do not give them your information

Date of experience: November 16, 2020