The moderation is of this site is very heavy handed and ready to take sides in any debate by removing or shadow banning accounts they disagree with. Do not engage anyone defending corporate censorship, racist or sexist ideas especially if it has to do with labor law or corporate malfeasance. They're trying to walk a line between inviting expert opinion and perspectives, but only so long as those opinions and perspectives do not clash with corporate sponsorship.
This site is good, bad, and ugly. Wish I could leave a 2.5 rating.
The good: literal geniuses post here about technology, science, society and culture, design, and more. You can learn amazing stuff. Also, relatively spam free.
The Bad: because so many Silicon Valley firms have criminally bad customer support despite claiming to be enlightened beings, you hear frequent sob stories here from desperate people trying to save their business from Google or Facebook or other uncaring corporations blocking them or stealing their money. This has become the unofficial tech support channel for these companies.
The ugly: the moderation is fierce and politically biased. Good luck if you have a political opinion not inside the narrow 3x5 index card of approved public opinions about not getting downvoted and banned. The freedom loving streak that Silicon Valley used to enjoy is now close to dead.
It's still a site worth reading, but know what you're seeing is a bit ugly.
Along with Reddit the best news site out there for this kind of stuff.
One of the website I always open to read latest technical news and startup tips.