NBC spends 90 percent time in favor of Israeli jews, who have killed nearly 1.5 innocent Palestinians...see the pictures what jews have done to Gaza n its children n women...it's going become a bigger nightmare for jews...
I have tried but I can't understand and am annoyed at craig melvin's voice.
The most annoying is Al roker continuing to Be little Craig Melvin all the time, it's so upsetting. I'm getting off the today's show for these 2 reasons. Al roker is constantly
Cruelly Joking, hes not funny. He should be made to stop belittling Craig Melvin.
Way to feed your propaganda on January 6th. What about the fact pelosi withheld officers! We have way bigger issues to deal with than more of this. Get over it already! Your news is terrible and bias!
Has 20 minutes of commercial and 10 minutes of fluff news. Doing a story about Medicare advantage programs but doesn't name the one mentioned in the story. Medicare advantage is a rip off for seniors but afraid to say that because they don't want to lose advertising
I have watched for several years the NBC Today show and with weather there is no mention of weather in the West, it is a if we don't exist. Please remember California is the most populated state. I have sent email to their show with no improvement!
Where is TV station that supposed to let people know what's going on in our country you guys totally avoid what's going on I see more things about trumps taxes and nobody ever talks about Biden's taxes that he never filed and you never mention the border ever that is so sad that is why I don't even watch your channel anymore. It's ridiculous you guys need to be like you used to be I'm almost 70 and I don't ever watch you. I watch Fox because at least they let people know what's going on.
What was the incentive for changing the early daytime news reporting shows to include a break from the live newscasters every 6-7 minutes with 2-3 minutes of printed copy, photos and annoying music? This new format, along with the multitudinous commercials that are extremely repetitive and are sometimes shown consecutively three times in a row, have forced me to Change my viewing habits to ABC or CBS daytime news shows.
Shame on you. Hiring Ronna McDaniels for anything is unforgivable, given she is an admitted participant in the effort to overturn the 2020 election and defraud voters. You WILL lose viewers and deserve it
So sick and tired of NBC news focusing on black america! All black commericals, all black news stories almost all black hosts, why does the 14% club get all the kid glove treatment and why are all your news and commercials about blacks, no disrespect intended but I gues majority does not rule anymore, just $#*! kissing of race.
Watched Lester News 3-31-21. There was nothing about the catastrophe on the Southern Border with Mexico. Fox news shows showed babies of about 1 yr old being thrown over the border wall by cartel members. Why won't you show this? Absolutely horrific! Also there are thousands of men from Countries that would like to do us harm that sneak in through unprotected parts of the border. Will it require streets in our country to be blown up before something is done?
Answer: NBC is all democrat‘s. Bull shit! Smart mouth news cast.
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