Mozilla Firefox

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Firefox 3 is so fast! Not sure why anyone uses IE anymore (bc it sucks) - I liked Firefox 2, but sometimes it would get a little slow, start eating up memory, and have trouble with certain scripts. But Firefox 3 is awesome. It feels A LOT faster and more stable. I LOVE IT!

Lifehacker lists the top 10 new features:******/top-10-firefox-3-features

Advanced user tips:******/power-users-guide-to-firefox-3

And you can transfer your passwords:******/transfer-your-firefox-2-passwords-into-firefox-3

Date of experience: June 18, 2008
New Jersey
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It seems that anytime I am researching something on the internet using Mozilla the Mozilla browser shuts down and does an update. Then the next time I open it up it starts about 6 processes and pushes the CPU usage to 100 percent and basically freezes my computer. Five years ago this was not an issue, now it is getting to be one. The code needs to be made more efficient. Cut out the scripting, Java, etc. Please go back to the KISS method like the old days. Thank you.

Date of experience: October 20, 2020
New York
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Fast Browser
April 4, 2019

Moziilla was one of the most reliable browsers as compared to any other search engines. It was very easy to work with but now a days not many of them prefer mozilla, probably they could upgrade their website for more efficiency.

Date of experience: April 4, 2019
New York
9 reviews
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Don't know why anyone would use Internet Explorer when they can use Firefox. Much faster, less buggy, and completely free!

Plus, they have a whole bunch of free plugins that do nifty things like block pop-up ads, (and REALLY block them), enable you to download video, etc.

Great browser! Highly recommend!

Date of experience: August 10, 2011
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I'm using Firefox 44.0b4 on a mac, and it freezes and crashes every time I use it. It is often incredibly slow and scrolling is very rough, if it scrolls at all. It just quits in the middle of a project or bank transaction. The screen when I open Firefox again just says "this is embarrassing, we can't seem to find your page." They don't own up to their problems and issues. Instead, they give long, confusing lists of things to try to fix their many glitches that never work.

Date of experience: January 4, 2016
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It is a confusing world out there, but mozilla's browser "Firefox" and their organization has been solid as a rock and giving good service to me for over a decade. You can synch all your devices from the browser and have the same stuff on all of your devices. Like android, mozilla firefox has many addons to make your browsing experience safe, pleasant, and capable. This is a great organization and a great browser.

Date of experience: March 6, 2016
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This site is the best
August 10, 2011

This site is the best. I have tried using Internet Explorer and it was very slow to access the internet plus it did not have the power to open up other sites that I might Google. With this site-Its like WOW all over. This site does it all! Internet Explorer can't compete!

It's as if Internet Explorer and Mozilla were in a wrestling match-Mozilla would pin Internet Explorer (IE) down on the mat for the three count each and every time!

Date of experience: August 10, 2011
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Who could hate firefox? It is an amazing web browser that runs fast and better than IE8, Safari, Chrome (but questionable for chrome). But something I could say for sure it is the most customizable of all of them.

Thunder Bird, well lets just say when you have some good products you have to have some not as good ones... Thunder Bird works well for most people, but I couldn't get it to work that well for me, I am not saying it isn't a good program it is just I didn't have much luck with it. 4/4 Mozilla is amazing!

Date of experience: March 26, 2010
3 reviews
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Printing sucks
November 3, 2019

Printing in FireFox absolutely sucks. There is no icon for printing or right click option.It seems to be capable of only printing the first page of a multi-page email. Disgraceful.

Date of experience: November 3, 2019
4 reviews
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Was having dreadful probs with microsoft Edge web browser ( kept having pregnant pauses
Which were driving me up the wall,) reinstalled windows 10 but this didn't help, was on the
Verge of reverting to windows 7 but decided to try a different web browser first, it's quite
Early days I guess but so far firefox has been brilliant, no pregnant pauses, overall web
Browsing is much faster.

Date of experience: June 23, 2016


Mozilla Firefox has a rating of 3.6 stars from 19 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Mozilla Firefox most frequently mention and web browser. Mozilla Firefox ranks 6th among Web Browser sites.