Consistent and well organized. Many features, and where an analysis is assigned, the rationale behind the rating and price levels is helpful in my decision making.
A simple rating, without the justification / rationale of the analyst ( team) does not work for me, not even when it is one of the stocks which Morningstar reports based on Quantitative Rating basis. I look at those QRs, but I do not need to commit capital to stocks which fall outside my focus. Afterall my portfolio is well short of 100 MM.
If for some reason I want to invest in something other than an index fund, I usually go to Morningstar to do research on funds. They have the best and most comprehensive interface that I'm aware of to do fund research. Just be careful not to pay for anything on the site... most everything that is useful should be free.
They pay the bare minimum and work you 14 hrs and 12 hr shifts. I can honestly say I would never come back to this job ever. In and out burger pays more. I would not recommend this job to anyone. Go pay for the school and get training elswere..
Price is very high for what you actually get. Data is good but can be had from many places without using their service.
This website is SLOW. It's impossible to use when looking-up mutual fund or stock symbols. Great information though.