Gute Suchfunktion. Großes Angebot an Autos / Fahrzeugen. Texte und Bilder wirkenbaussagekräftig. Auch interessant zum Stöbern.
You pay money, list your car at a very good price but all you get are scammers asking to communicate at other email addresses and there is no way to report them. Not a single genuine buyer. Waste of money
Company cancels the ad and suspends accounts for no reason and does not want to hear anything from a customer. It was that my ad for bike has 880km while forst reg is 2014 and straight away it thought that it is fake. No questions or proofs asked, just cancel "do not wish to hear from you".
Mobile is protection dealers more then end users. I bought car from and i can not put my review because we do all by the phone and not by the email from When i recive car the engine didnt work (mistake engine over heated). I couldnt make few km with car. I pay fair price for the car and know have big problems with extra costs 3000€.
Avoid at any cost. You will get only messages from scammers and nothing else. The scenario to sell your vehicle is invisible. The scenario to get scammed is 100%. The worst platform to sell anything.
Mobile is the leader on user cars but be careful for fake adds
And never send any money before you see the car
If you want to sell your car or if you want to buy one this is the safe place you can do it recommendations from personal experience ;)
Perfect site
Fast with big photos and great deals
Multiple countries support too
ATENTIE!ROMANIA si Nu Numai!TEPARI...Oameni foarte neserioși.M au mințit că îmi dau jantele originale cu anvelope de iarna (300e)plătite-Hyundai Tucson 2018,iar când am ridicat masina si au bătut joc dandu mi niște rebuturi...Comportament deplorabil...Am achitat masina online în avans și nu au șters anunțul...Niște smekeri...Am pierdut 2ore,moment in care ei se certau intre ei si mă amenințau că nu imi mai dau mașina. Nu vorbesc de modul cum s-a făcut plata deoarece aștept un răspuns de la autohaus. PS.Proprietarul nu este German...NU RECOMAND.
Sehr unseriöse Leute. Sie haben mich angelogen, dass sie mir die Originalfelgen meines Hyundai Tucson 2018 gegeben haben, und als ich das Auto abgeholt habe, haben sie sich über mich lustig gemacht, indem sie mir Reste gegeben haben... Bedauerliches Verhalten... Ich habe dafür bezahlt Sie haben das Auto im Voraus online gestellt und die Anzeige nicht gelöscht. Ich empfehle es nicht... Einige Betrüger... Ich habe zwei Stunden verschwendet, in denen sie miteinander gestritten und gedroht haben, mir das Auto nicht zu geben. Ich spreche nicht darüber, wie die Zahlung erfolgt ist, da ich auf eine Antwort des Autohauses warte. PS.