This game is not even close to being good at all. Lots of weird kids play it that I know. This one kid in my class plays it while he picks his own nose. He always has diarrhea too. This game is a violation to me and my school for kids that play it. Pls band this game😊
If this review was written a few years ago, I would have most definitely given it a 5-star review. However, I often times get this error in which my skin won't load and I can't access the servers (playfab environment mismatch). I even did dozens of hard resets and tried vpn, but it doesn't load. If you're getting Minecraft, consider doing the Java edition because the bedrock edition SUCKS
I feel like Minecraft is good but has some faults. Beating the game gives you no advantages, the game can be boring and there are some stupid updates. Bu the thing I like about Minecraft is you can mod it easily. Do not get Minecraft on a phone. You should at least get it on tablet/ipad or PC for best experience. Can't say anything about consoles since I never played on it.
I play Java and honestly, it's the best game I have ever played. Survival is such a fun gamemode, and in creative you can just do whatever, letting you express your imagination in a block game. Servers are even better, I know minecraft doesn't make the individual servers, but they made them possible.
No cap this is an outstanding sandbox of all times. No other game will ever have a chance to eclipse the majesty of this game. Terraria, which is considered to be an alternative to Minecraft, has no chances either, even despite the fact it also has its own fan base
Spending hours of playing Minecraft with friends is one of the most vivid memories for me. I will never forget having fun, building shelters and PvP with others.
This is a very fun game you can make many severs play with friends and test your Brain with redstone and command blocks. You build survive and mine to victory in vinella. Overall a super fun game and nothing really wrong with it
Approaching adolescent years these were good memories of my childhood. Like the xbox 360 tutorial that was good. I will keep playing minecraft and am hyped for the 1.20 update.
I tell you, this game is addictive.
There is NO WAY to stop playing it unless you get bored.
I've been playing since 2013, but I play for 1 hour and a half on the weekends when I have time.
This game is overly creative, constantly coming up with new ideas each month.
Mods and maps are available which is nice!
But, minecraft lacks one thing: more animals LESS mobs.
This game is fun, but just don't play it too much it'll hurt your eyes!
The game is unimaginably great. The people who dislike it probably aren't familiar to the game because they never tried it. Or, they don't have a good taste if adventure, and fun. I first played the pocket edition of it and it was boring. But then I figured out it was a entirely different version from the original: Minecraft java edition. I bought it, played on it and for some reason, the java edition of the game was more fun. I love how there its servers like hypixel and mineplex that are high quality. Especially, playing with my friends! Dual wielding, optifine, higher quality mods, better shaders, etc. we mess around with these possibilities for hours and it never gets old. Now, the only issue I have with it is the price. Now, not everyone has nearly 30 dollars to spend on a game. So I had to play with my friends that were willing to take that up as an offer. But nonetheless, both versions are great, minecraft is great, and I definitely 100% recommend you try it.
I recently updated my mine craft and it is horrible, I'm not sure which update it is but I hate it. It doesn't let me turn around and all the things in creative mode are confusing and messed up. I really think mojang has overdone it, rather than eliminating bugs they added new ones! I am very disappointed with this update because all their other updates were very nice. When I tried to update another profile it took about 2 hours but other times it took 2 seconds. I hate this update.
Answer: Going to the app store. I would recommend the Minecraft launcher so you can play any version.
Answer: It's legit. It is a game owned by Microsoft and it is completely 100% safe. I use it, and my computer runs as if it was ever on it. As for if it's a scam, No. There are scams ON it in the form of multiplayer servers and on bedrock edition some Marketplace content, but other than that, no.
Answer: It does slow down your PC. It is quite bad and I highly suggest not to download it ever.
Minecraft has a rating of 3.5 stars from 44 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Minecraft ranks 31st among Games sites.