Milan Laser Hair Removal

Milan Laser Hair Removal

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July 2, 2023

I had done some research about the costs of laser hair removal before my consult at Milan. I was convinced I could never afford it. Especially if I needed somewhere between 20-30 treatments for my two hormonal areas of removal. Anyway the office manager sold me quickly as I was so excited to get started with being hair free. She saw my excitement and talked me into a zero percent financing option with a lifetime unlimited guarantee. Whoa! That sounded like such a great idea! But wait now I'm looking at the cost after I was hook line and stuck into a contract with no refunds available, and I am paying twice the amount I would have if I would have gone somewhere else. So I guess the zero percent interest is really more like 50 percent

Date of experience: July 2, 2023
7 reviews
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I ordered a product last year. I returend it and am still waiting for my refund since last May 2010. Avoid this site!

Date of experience: March 10, 2011